Obstacle Avoidance Robot with Ultrasonic Sensors using Arduino

Obstacle Avoidance Robot with Ultrasonic Sensors using Arduino


Discover the future of robotics with our latest blog on creating an Obstacle Avoidance Robot using Arduino and Ultrasonic Sensors!  Dive into the INTRODUCTION to understand the significance of obstacle avoidance. Unveil the PROJECT DESCRIPTION to explore the exciting mechanics of the robot. The CIRCUIT DIAGRAM will guide you through the setup. Get hands-on with the CODE section, and unveil the remarkable RESULTS achieved. Finally, the CONCLUSION wraps up the adventure, highlighting the potential of this technology. Join us on this tech journey and unlock the potential of robotics today!


Starting a fun journey into robots, our blog looks at robots that do not bump into objects. These robots can move on their own and have special sensors connected to a computer called Arduino. These robots have lots of uses, like changing how things are made and adding cool stuff to our everyday routines. We take a close look and figure out how they work, how the sensors and the computer work together. As we keep going on this trip, we see things change – from metal and smart thinking to robots that know stuff, make choices, and help make things better. Entering a world with no set rules, these robots become big inspirations for people who really like robot mysteries. They make people want to learn more and more, like a fire that keeps on burning, making them want to know everything about this tech world where things are mixed up, and what's usual becomes a big puzzle. Like a nice dance, they work together, like friends playing in space. It's a special time when lots of new ideas come out, like water splashing and touching the world, showing what can be done, moving towards a time when machines work really well, like fancy dancers, showing how people can make cool stuff and be brave, making new things that push progress forward.

With clear cut explanation and simple code, this project helps people understand the technology and programming. As lines of code bring robots to life, new ideas start to shine, showing that progress is like a mix of thinking and technology. This project is a big key for new exciting ideas, a path for learning, and a walk into what robots can do.

Project Description:

In the world of new ideas, when the smartness of Arduino and the understanding of ultrasonic sensors come together, something amazing is born. It is like a perfect dance in space, where complicated things mix and create a puzzle. At the centre, there is a special robot that moves on its own, like a dancer on a tricky stage, copying the moves of something magical. Watch carefully as the special code, like a digital song, guide this robot through life's journey, while careful ultrasonic eyes measure the way, showing the path in the maze of life. Our smart dance here starts when the robot notices something close, like less than 15cm away. It stops and thinks, and then goes on if nothing is too close. In this exciting journey, the hard stuff becomes easy to understand. Each line of instructions brings a new idea to life. In this big play of making things, change isn't just seen; it's part of the dance, where dreams and real things come together, where thinking mixes with Arduino technology.


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Components Required:


  • Attach the VCC (power) pin of the ultrasonic sensor to the +5V pin on the Arduino board.
  • Attach the GND (ground) pin of the ultrasonic sensor to the GND pin on the Arduino board.
  • For the ultrasonic sensor's Echo and Trigger pins, link them to digital pins A0 and A1 respectively on the Arduino.
  • Connect the motor to the ports M3. (You will need to connect both the terminal of the motor to the output).
  • Connect the motor to the ports M4 similarly.
  • Supply power to the L298D Motor Driver by connecting the battery to its power input.
  • Finally, establish a connection between the Arduino UNO and your computer using a USB cable.

Circuit Diagram:


read more : Arduino Uno Pin Diagram: A Complete Guide


Libraries to be Downloaded:

Make sure you also have the NewPing and AFMotor libraries installed in your Arduino IDE for this code to work properly.




AF_DCMotor motor3(3, MOTOR34_1KHZ);

AF_DCMotor motor4(4, MOTOR34_1KHZ);

#define TRIGGER_PIN A1

#define ECHO_PIN A0

#define MAX_DISTANCE 200 // Maximum distance in cm.


void setup()






void loop()


unsigned int distance = sonar.ping_cm();


if (distance >= 15) {

// Move forward if distance is greater than or equal to 15cm






// Stop briefly, then continue moving forward







delay(100); // Delay between readings


Code explanation:

The AF_DCMotor lines initialize two DC motors, motor3 and motor4, which are connected to pins 3 and 4 respectively on the motor driver.

TRIGGER_PIN and ECHO_PIN define the pins connected to the ultrasonic sensor's trigger and echo pins, respectively. These pins are connected to A1 and A0 on the Arduino.

MAX_DISTANCE is set to 200, which represents the maximum distance the ultrasonic sensor can accurately measure in cm.

The NewPing object 'sonar' is created with the trigger, echo, and maximum distance information.

In the setup () function, the serial communication is initiated at a baud rate of 9600.

The setSpeed(180) lines set the speed of the motors to 180.

Inside the loop () function, the ultrasonic sensor's ping_cm () method is used to measure the distance to an object in front of the robot and the distance is printed on serial monitor.

If the distance is greater than or equal to 15 cm, the motors are set to move forward.

If the distance is less than 15 cm, the motors briefly stop, then continue moving forward after a delay.

A delay of 100 milliseconds is added between readings to avoid excessive readings in a short time.


Look at the exciting part of this project – a robot that's ready to go and can handle obstacles. It's a clever mix of things, like putting together puzzle pieces. Ultrasonic sensors and computer smarts, like magic spells, make this robot work. Imagine a conductor leading an orchestra – that is how these sensors guide the robot, almost like music. It moves through its world with care, just like a dancer. Watch how it goes: if something is more than 15 cm away, it moves ahead quickly, like a jump. But if it is closer, it takes a quick break, thinking before moving again.


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Our journey through building an Obstacle Avoidance Robot with Ultrasonic Sensors using Arduino has been both illuminating and exciting. We embarked on a captivating exploration of robotics, from the project's inception to its tangible outcome. Through a meticulously laid-out circuit diagram and skillfully crafted code, we witnessed the robot navigate its surroundings with finesse, avoiding obstacles seamlessly. This venture underscores the remarkable synergy between technology and innovation, leaving us eager to delve further into the boundless realm of robotics. Join us in celebrating the triumphs of ingenuity and discovery - a journey that promises endless possibilities!


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Frequently Asked Questions

1. How does Arduino work with obstacle avoiding car?

An Arduino-enabled obstacle avoiding car is an automated vehicle that uses the power of a microcontroller to navigate around its surroundings. The system utilizes sensors, such as bumpers and infrared cameras, in order to detect obstacles within its immediate environment while also being able to decipher signals from remote locations at greater distances. It then processes this data via programming on the Arduino board which subsequently instructs it how best to maneuver and avoid collisions with any potential obstructions along its path. This technology not only saves operators time by letting machines do all of the hard work but it can also be adapted for various applications ranging from manufacturing floors through warehouse automation up until self-driving cars; thus increasing productivity without risking people's lives or property in potentially hazardous settings.

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2. How to program Arduino for obstacle avoiding car?

Programming an Arduino for obstacle avoiding car is a great way to explore the world of microcontroller programming. It allows you to create your own personalized autonomous vehicle that can detect and move around obstacles, making it fully independent from manual control. The first step in creating such a system is assembling all the components needed - motor drivers, sensors, controllers or electronic boards (such as an Arduino) – following the user guide instructions. After setting up everything properly, connect each component together using jumper cables or solder them if possible. Finally write out code for controlling movement through commands on various levels such as velocity & steer angle which will allow the wheels spin without colliding into any objects in its surroundings while keeping track of where it's heading!

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3. How to make an obstacle avoidance robot?

Creating an obstacle avoidance robot requires a combination of various components like microcontrollers, motors and sensors. To start building the robot, attach two wheels on each side and connect them to one motor for direction control. On either side install sonar range finders or infrared detectors which will detect objects in its path. Connect these sensors with a microcontroller via digital inputs; this is responsible for controlling the motion of the robot based on sensor input data. Finally solder wires from your controller board into two other motors that will rotate both front wheels simultaneously creating forward movement as well as steer around obstacles encountered during travel - allowing it to avoid collisions effectively!

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